How to make bath time more FUN

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Bath Time should = Fun Time in our opinion!  The little ones love them, but the routine can sometimes feel just that, a routine. So we thought we would share some ideas to help make bath time as fun as it can be.

  1. Alphabet Game - get a hold of some soft letters and encourage your little one to spell out their name.  Fun and educational - double win!
  2. Bath Bombs - kids love colours so introduce a bath bomb.  They will love the sounds of it dissolving and seeing the bath turn colour.
  3. Bath Paints - for the more adventurous and daring of you!  Get hold of some washable bath paints and let the little ones express their inner artist.
  4. Boat Races - set up a mini-track in the bath and let them race their favourite boats.  Will you or your little tinker win the race? 
  5. Glow in the Dark - get hold of some glow in the dark (water proof) toys and turn the light out. They will love it!
  6. Story Time - why not get some extra story time in?  A book on pirates might make it a nice theme.
  7. Cooking Fun - simple one. Just throw in their plastic plates and encourage them to pretend to cook and serve up a meal.  Add a little extra foam so they can pretend that its food.
  8. Hooded Towels - we're obviously very biased here, but from our own experience, using our Hooded Towels helps to make bath time fun. Very useful to help encourage little ones to get out and hug their towel friend. 

Give them a try and let us know how you get on.  Did they make bath time more fun? If you have any good bath time games, feel free to share.

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